
maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey

  • I'm grateful that Wednesday turned out to be much better than Tuesday. 
  • I'm grateful for love.
  • I'm grateful that I don't have to worry about some stuff anymore. 
  • I'm grateful that I can drink Diet Coke all night to keep me awake. A blue Monster would be rad, but Coke is fine for now, I suppose.
  • I'm grateful that I get to remember the good days and the bad days.
  • I'm grateful that I got to spend 54 blissful days in the Horizon House. Today I kinda wished I was back in there where I didn't have to worry about anything but me. 
  • I'm grateful that I get to have a job, and responsibilities, and all the good stuff.
  • I'm grateful that I don't have a car. I don't have to scrape windows this winter, baby. ha ha 
  • I am grateful for music, Marin, and words with friends. My night goes by much more quickly this way.
  • I'm grateful that I got more than 5 hours of sleep yesterday. My mood was greatly improved because of this. 
  • I'm grateful to be a woman...if only periods didn't suck so much ass. 

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