
can't teach an old dog new tricks

Lately I have noticed some groups being made on Facebook and Myspace about couples looking to adopt. Awesome!!
I think it's great that young couples are willing to take the adoption option. I'm not speaking to anyone directly because I don't actually know any of the couples I've seen posting on Fbook or Myspace, so please don't take offense if you happen to read this post.

The thing that bothers me terribly about "desperate" young couples who can't have their own children and are looking to adopt is that they are only willing to a adopt a perfect little newborn baby. Cool, I love babies as much as the next person if not more. But if what you really want is a child, how come the 1 year old won't do? Or how about the two brothers ages 3 and 5? I mean, I know it might add more stress and more obsticles to your already busy life but if you've been trying to get the newborn for 3 years and it still hasn't happened...maybe there are other options!

I know I've probably done a little bit of overkill with this one, but it's something that is very important to me. I would like to open a foster care home one day and it kills me to think that there are so many children and youth who have never done anything wrong but will never get the chance to be in a loving family.

There are many reasons why children and youth end up in foster care: divorce, death of a parent or guardian, parents have drugs/alcohol addictions, and other various reasons all of which have absolutely nothing to do with the kids behavior or value. Granted there may be some cases where the child is simply unmanagable by the parent and therefore the state places the child in foster care, however, this is few and far between.

So, before I jump off my soapbox, let me just give you the link to look at children who are in foster care and waiting to be adopted. If you have a heart, it will break. www.adoptuskids.org and click on "meet the children". It's amazing how many children there are and how freaking cute all of them are. I wish I could take them all home, but alas, back to the reality of being a poor college student living in my parents basement. Bummer!

Anyway, you can click HERE to go see the kids. And if you know anyone looking to adopt, pass this along--or at least suggest they try foster-to-adopt programs.

And now I'll jump off the soapbox. Farewell.

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