
my holidays will be spent doing...

1. Sleep. I feel so deprived of the stuff lately that I can hardly function at times. My life got turned upside down when I had to start going to school every morning by 8am. I know, that's not even super early..but for me, it's death. So over Christmas break, I'll be catchin' some zzzzzz's for sure!

2. Work. Duh...gotta do it. If you ever wonder where I am (and I'm not sleeping), I'll be at the Depot. Drop by and say hello. :)

3. Basketball. Ah, yessss. We went and shot around last night; I need to start going more often because I love it and I suck.

4. Traveling. I mean, not far or anywhere super exotic. But I have plans...and I'm excited for them. Be jeal.

5. Family. I'll play some cards, eat some candy, probably watch a few flicks and just chill with the fam. It's been a few years since I was able to enjoy them over Christmas. Can't wait.

6. Friends. I'm sure I'll get lots of play time with the friends in over the break (because I make time with work and school, so I'm sure it'll be fine without school!).

Wow...this turned out to be quite the boring list. Now here's something to spice up my life (and probably yours too) a little...

1. partying every day all day non-stop.
2. dance parties
3. eating unlimited amounts of grilled cheese
4. moving to NYC and opening our bar called "meet me upstairs"
5. driving across the country, stopping everytime I feel like it.
6. going to some jazz games; having them actually win!
7. and, sleep, of course. because you know what i say.."gotta sleep now, cause they won't let me in hell"


  1. I'm moving to NYC and stealing your bar idea...sorry its too good not to.

  2. We have it copyrighted. Good luck, sucka.
