
i'm back

I'm back. I was planning to start a new blog but the thought of doing that made me sick. I have a lot of things on this blog that I love and I didn't want to just forget about it; I'm also lazy. I don't remember the last time I posted; my journal got a lot of TLC in my "blog break", which I'm grateful for. I like to journal but it takes more work than posting a blog. So here I am.

Life is good. Great, actually.

I get to do so many fun things with so many amazing people. I really couldn't ask for anything more. Sometimes I get frustrated that my life seems to be at a stand-still. Then I just look back over the last year and I get to see that, in fact, everything I wanted a year ago has happened plus some!

On Sunday I got to take Joey to a Horizon House Alumni picnic in St. George. I am so lucky to have him in my life; we had a great time hanging out. Plus, he thinks he met a quarterback who is "better than Tebow"...needless to say, Joey loved it. I can't believe he's going to be 19 in a few days! I'm grateful that I'll get to spend his special day with him this year.

Easter this year was a success. It was simple and fun. I got to spend time with the people I love and I worked. Beats the hell out of waking up in jail, still drunk and unsure of why I was there...I'm sure my dad was grateful, too. ha

Last night Enna and I went to Little Women put on by SUU. It wasn't great but it was fun to get out and do something different. I used to love that movie and the book so maybe my expectations were a little warped. The orchestra did a great job..I was a little worried because before the play started they sounded less-than-good, but they were great.

I'm planning a trip to Las Vegas with my bestie. We're gonna sip Cola by the pool and soak up some rays. It'll be strange being in Vegas but I think it'll be a much needed vacation. I'm excited!

I don't really have much to say except that I'm grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I could list them all but they know who they are. Time is flying! It's almost been a year since I've been back in Utah.

Until next time, peace out.

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