
Life is FUN

I'm still recovering from 4 days of driving and am currently in the middle of my second night back at work; I feel like I'm going to die.

I'm usually a homebody- I am very content to be at home reading, sleeping, crafting, homework, etc. and don't often "make plans". It's odd to me because I used to freak out if I didn't have every minute of every day planned with someone else, I'd freak out. I always had to be with someone...anyone, really. The weekends were the worst- it was a constant party.

Now, I go out of town for a few days and I freak out. I like to be home. I like being by myself, with the occasional "going out". It's quite different from what it was a few years ago and I'm oddly okay with it. My only wish is that I could actually have a "normal" schedule...you know, where you sleep at night and stuff? I'm hoping that someday I'll have that. But for now, I'm cool with the way things are going and how I'm spending my time.

Maybe I'm getting old or something. Or maybe I'm just a lame, old cat lady who doesn't like people. Either way, I'm fine with it. Life is funny.

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